Whitney Nottage

I am the Executive Vice President of Operations for Q-Free America, Inc. I am a design, integration, configuration, and management professional with 15 years of experience in traffic, ITS, and construction. Since moving to Georgia in 2012, I have been serving the great State of Georgia in many capacities, providing traffic signal operations services to the state and local agencies during my tenure with Atkins, followed by leading the statewide upgrade of Traffic Signal local and central software when I joined Q-Free (then Intelight).

I’ve been involved with ITSGA for 10 years, serving as the Social Committee Chair for 2 years before being elected to the Board of directors where I’ve been serving for 8 years since. As a board member, I have been Social Committee Chair, Program Committee Chair, and now Communications Committee Chair. I am the face behind every e-mail, social media post, website update, and event registration that ITSGA creates.

I have a passion for ITS and love serving on the Board and helping keep ITSGA the great organization that it already is. I look forward to continuing to serve our Members and our State.

In my free time I enjoy glamping and boating with my husband, two daughters, and dog.

Contact Whitney to hear more: [email protected]
