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NaviGAtor is Georgia’s Advanced Traffic Management System and the backbone of the state’s Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). NaviGAtor was developed and is managed by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). It was first activated in April 1996, just before the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

NaviGator collects data, analyses the data, distributes traffic information and controls devices.

NaviGAtor’s Video Detection System (VDS) is the primary source of real-time information about current travel conditions.

Approximately 1,645 VDS stations are installed approximately every 1/3 mile along most major interstates around Atlanta. These VDS cameras provide continuous speed and volume data to the TMC and allow the system to generate travel times for the Changeable Message Signs (CMS).

NaviGAtor also uses about 500 full-color Closed-Circuit Television cameras, positioned about every 1 mile on most major interstates around Atlanta. The CCTVs have tilt, pan and zoom capabilities and serve as traffic cameras sending real-time footage to the operators at the TMC monitoring the roadways. The information collected from these cameras allows them to confirm incident details, dispatch HERO units and request appropriate emergency resources.