2021 ITS Georgia Annual Meeting Vendor Showcase Call for Abstracts

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Vendor Showcase Call for Abstracts

Vendor participation is an integral component of the ITS Annual Meetings and the ITS Technical committee understands the valuable and unique experience our vendor partners bring regarding ITS devices and transportation industry challenges.

At the 2021 ITS GA Annual Meeting selected companies will present how their product or service was used in an innovative ITS project or to address a specific issue.

We hope that you will consider submitting an abstract for presentation. We are asking for an abstract (1-2 paragraphs or 200 words) describing how your product or service helped an innovative ITS project or mitigated a specific problem.

The deadline for abstract submission is July 2, 2021, and full presentations must be submitted before the conference, no later than by September 10, 2021.

Submitted abstracts will go through a blind peer review. A completed abstract will be scored by at least two reviewers. Each reviewer is asked to read the abstract and grade it on a scale of 1-5. This scale takes into account the guidelines outlined below.

Guidelines for Vendor Abstracts and Presentations

• The speaker’s presentation will not be used to advertise a particular product or a service. The presentation is to provide an opportunity for vendors to provide a description of their product or service and an explanation of how their product was used on an ITS project.
• Vendors should utilize before and after performance measures in their presentation to show how their product helped a project.
• The presentation time length will be governed by the number of participants accepted to speak. The session length is 90 minutes and approximately 8-10 vendors will be selected to speak, providing 7-8 minutes for each presentation.
• The selection of presentations will be approved by the ITS GA Technical Committee and ITS Board.
The pre-determined criteria that will be used to grade each application is listed below.
• Originality: Does the abstract show originality in project design and product use?
• Innovativeness: Is the product or the use of the product innovative?
• Problem Solving: Does the abstract address a problem and present how the product helped solve the problem?
• Performance Analysis: Is the before and after analysis clearly documented?
• If necessary there also will be a correction period after the review process. Abstracts that were only rated highly in some sections or poorly repaired but have a topic of special interest may be returned for corrections. The correction period will be announced after the selection process.
• Final presentations will be due on September 10, 2021.
• For more information and questions, please contact Sam Harris at [email protected].

Submit Your Abstract in the Form Below

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