2017 Wayne Shackelford Scholarship Winners
For the 9th consecutive year, the Intelligent Transportation Society of Georgia is supporting student involvement in intelligent transportation engineering and sciences through the Wayne Shackelford ITS Engineering Scholarship Program. Mr. Shackelford was an early ITS visionary, co-founder of ITS Georgia and Georgia Department of Transportation Commissioner.
This year’s challenge question was:
“What Smart City applications or Internet of Things (IoT) technologies do you think governments should be utilizing now to improve overall mobility in their urban regions? Describe your proposed technologies and the expected benefits.”
This year’s scholars are (L to R):
Haobing Liu, Georgia Tech
Cibi Pranav, Georgia Tech
Lauren Gardner, Georgia Tech
Anirban Chatterjee, Georgia Tech
Zoe Turner-Yovanovitch, Georgia Tech
Click the tabs to read the winning entries
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