Steve Dickerson
Title: Professor Emeritus, Georgia Tech
Founder Modnar Corporation, DVT Corporation, CAMotion, Inc., RideCell LLC, SoftWear Automation, Inc.
Dr. Dickerson received his Doctor of Science degree from MIT in 1965 and was Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech 1965- 1996. Research projects led to the founding of various companies: DVT Corporation revolutionized machine vision and was sold for over $100 M in 2005; CAMotion, Inc. made breakthroughs in light-weight, high performance robotics; RideCell uses advanced communications and computing to support urban transportation and is growing; and SoftWear Automation Inc. will introduce disruptive solutions in garment cutting and sewing. The last two companies are early stage ventures. He holds several patents concerning these technologies. The basis of RideCell, Inc. is US patent No. 6,697,730 issued on February 24, 2004 and is held by Georgia Tech.
Involvement with ITS GA would have as a goal making the Atlanta area THE leader in the application of cellular communication technology to enhance urban trip making.