UPDATE: Join us to hear from Cole Dagerhartdt, Exult Engineering (replacing Jennifer Portanova, NCDOT) about a Broadband update with NCDOT. NCDOT has initiated an incredible project that seeks to both bolster rural broadband opportunities in our communities and to drastically enhance and extend our statewide intelligent transportation system infrastructure. The 600-mile NC Broadband Program has utilized federal grant, state funding, and revenue share through a public-private-partnership (P3) to implement the program through two primary projects. Project One is a Design-Build(DB) contract which will construct approximately 600 miles of fiber along I-95from the SC line to the VA line, along US 70 from I-40 near Raleigh to Morehead City at the coast, and along US 74 from Asheville to Wilmington. Project Two is an operate-maintain-commercialize (OMC) contract that provides exclusive rights to an industry partner to commercialize a portion of the communication infrastructure. The contractor is also responsible for operations and maintenance of both the commercialization infrastructure and the ITS infrastructure. The contractor proposed a cost for performance-based ITS maintenance as well as credits to NCDOT for revenue share of commercialized assets. It is anticipated that the revenue share will provide significant support for NCDOT’s operations and maintenance costs over a 35-year period. Both projects are currently underway.
Thanks to our monthly sponsor: Atlas