Andy Lucyshyn
Andy Lucyshyn, PE, PTOE
Gresham, Smith and Partners, Nashville, TN
My professional biography:
• Education (Degree, School, Year): BSCE Civil Engineering, University of Central Florida (1995)
• Career: Gresham Smith and Partners, Associate, Sr. Transportation Engineer and ITS
Market Resource 08/16 to present
Atkins North America – Associate Vice President, Southeast ITS Division Manager, 05/1996 to 08/16
JHK and Associates – Traffic Engineering, 02/95 to 05/96
• Registrations: Georgia #040440, Florida, #54624, TN #117845, PTOE #989
• Member of ITS Georgia since 2011
Andy has over 22 years of experience in planning, design, operations, management of ITS and traffic engineering providing consulting services to the Federal Highway Administration, and multiple states, counties and cities throughout the US. Andy has been active in the ITS community through his involvement and support of both ITS GA and ITS Florida and is passionate about how ITS technologies and strategies can improve safety and mobility for all modes and users of transportation. Andy is committed to actively supporting ITS Georgia and its members through education, mentoring, and outreach serving as a Director sharing his national experience and perspective to further enhance the ITS Georgia mission.